I'm always fascinated by signs that I can't read. And thankful that I don't need to rely on that particular info. This is at the Grand St. station (B, D line). I sometimes ask myself if this series makes any sense... I mean I like doing it and following to where it leads me, but does it add anything... Mmmh... Maybe that's just moody me thinking!

There are some inbuilt station entrances in the city... Not all are pretty or easy to shoot... I like this one!

This is now from the end of last week... I like the entrance... It somehow looks crooked... Still like it though!

Walking along 57 St...

Other entrance of same station...

Carnegie Hall in the background... Not that easy to shoot as it is one of those buildings that are covered by scaffolding for practically ever! I don't understand how this works in this city... Shops must seriously be in trouble if this happens to them as they almost become invisible...

A new (to me) style of station indicator lamp... Seems not to be that sturdy... Most of the ones at that station were damaged. (The plexi had detached from the metal.)

My timing was not that great... Tons of people waiting to get into the venue to see one of the three sold out Furthur shows...

Still wanted to shoot this then as I'm not in this neighborhood at this time of day that often...

Further down the street...

Closer to Time Square... Display screens lighting up the building in the back...

On my way back home... Lovely 59 St station... Almost there!

After enjoying the image of the 96 St signal immensely I wanted to see what other stations have cool signal setups as well... Finally I found a good use for central-platform stations! ;)

O is for... This is from Sunday morning... Not very early, but at least early enough as I wanted to visit the Time Square area...


In front of the Playwright Tavern...

People... In Time Square... But it definitely shows that I was there early...

I walked further south to 34 St and made my way back from there... Another one for the signal series...

Another signal setup at 34 St.

Signal at 125 St (A, B, C, D line)

And finally the last signal of this post... Stop!
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