The R line part of Jay St - Metro Tech station... Hadn't seen a station with black walls yet...

Yet another mirror design...

Fabulous building at Jay St station exit...

Close up of globe light in front of same building...

Across the street from the beautiful building before...

Closeup of globe with statue...

Globe in front of a store called "Destiny"... Are globes my destiny?

Still exit of Jay St station...

I find that area of Brooklyn quite confusing... I love the buildings, but have a hard time navigating down there... (hence the title for this post)

This area at Jay St has been under construction for a long time now...
Can't really recall these lamps from earlier visits, but they are different and I like that!

Beautiful iron work outside Borough Hall station... Light was not ideal for more shots... Have to go back!

Wow! Isn't this something? I'm really impressed by that station ID!

Not quite sure what this is about... Entrance to Borough Hall station...

From Borough Hall station I walked to High St station hoping I'd catch a good view onto Brooklyn Bridge... But nope, that's a no go! Still happy I went: Love this shot!

I walked by the Clark St station which is set up in the same building as the defunct Hotel St. George... Crazy layout! Need to look into ways of making that look good... So I walked some more to Court St station where I found this lovely setup of pre-globe lanterns and a back lit church...

Other side of the street... So much detail in that building!

Same building...


Back to Borough Hall station... Quite a different feel this time around...

Newer (rare) style of partition... Fits well with the box light though!

Inside station ID.

Getting closer to the station that I had originally wanted to check out... East Broadway station... Still looks somewhat run down... Lovely!

Had to wait for a while to get a clear shot... Am very happy with this one!

Chinatown is calling...

Different exit, same station...

Full on back light at Delancey St station: I finally made it to my original destination!

Looking west...

Essex St part of the station: J, M, Z lines...

Station ID.

I was quite shocked to see this station being transformed with brighter lights and lots of art work... Not quite what I had come for...

Interesting guard for the stairs!

More fish!

And here: Uptown fruit... Mmh!

The last shot of that trip... Generous D for Delancey St... With F train arriving...
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