Here is the next installment of pictures from my stash... This project has gotten quite big and I'm trying to get a handle how to better edit it... Trying to give it another life beyond this little, cozy blog...
The number of images is quite deep and of course that presents a wealth of material... But for me it's hard to conquer as I seem to be too involved... Might need to step back from it somehow to be able to look at it more clearly... Due to a family emergency a photo editor friend is taking a break from helping me with this... Now, what to do? Wait for him to reemerge or try to go at it myself now? Mmmh...
In any case: I have a fascination with tattoos... I find them visually appealing... In all states... Not that I would seek out artists or get one done... But when they occur naturally around me... ;) And I guess he feels he's been blessed! I like it!
Going down...
Foreground - background...
The moon (Tarot card XVIII) in action...
Hard body apparently...
Beautiful tats...
My friend Donna...
Somehow reminding me of Ruth Orkin's image "American Girl in Italy"...
Thinking... Deep...
Waiting for the Superway... :P (Sorry, couldn't help it!)
Checking me out...
One of those moments where perfect focus would have ruined the shot...
I don't get the message... (On the shirt that is!)
What's going on there?
Just resting the eyes a little...
Lady with kombucha...
Calm... Maybe...
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