This is the other long term personal project I'm working on these days... I have to admit, this is a strange one for me... I don't mean the moody, melancholic landscapes... These I know and love... But I'm not really sure I can completely sum up what this series is actually about... I guess I should start at the beginning: A friend (a tax accountant) asked me for prints to decorate her office located close to where I grew up... She loved my style, but felt that using images that I had already created would be unfitting or even pretentious on her end... That got me thinking... If I shot in that area there would be a connection by definition, wouldn't there? But what to concentrate on? Random landscapes of my "Heimat" (Could be translated into "homeland") was not specific enough for me... So I decided to focus on those crucifixes, shrines and other signs of public display of "Volksfrömmigkeit" (could be translated into "popular piety" or "popular devotion") that are so common in the mainly Catholic region where I grew up in... But I was not interested in close up shots of those artifacts, but wanted to look at how they are part of the landscape... How they shape it and are a natural part of it...
All the three images are on my running loop when stay with my dad in Nordvelen... (There some more on that loop, we might get to those in a later installment...)

Part of a Good Friday procession shrine series... Unfortunately only four are still to be found...
This one is part of the same series... Most likely was on the outskirts of the town when built... Love how the town crept up on it... Moody evening shot...
Nice job man!