It's summer now... But somehow darker and moodier in the subway system... Prepare for a new installment of trips around the New York City subway system...
The top image speaks to me because of the different layers in it and how it seems to hint at a story... Definitely a weird story though!
Checking me out...
Red... The real deal!
Almost friendly...
Have come to like this setup...
Lovely motion blur... And reflections...
Almost dancing... Or at least in motion...
Strong and stark...
There must be a signal here somewhere... Or at least a train!
Fitting the mood...
Lines are good!
Trying to get home a few nights ago... I'm still trying to catch one of those moments where people are waiting just inside subway station because it's raining way to hard... I like those moments... People feel stuck... But usually not in a bad way... Interesting conversations to be had...
Foreground - background...
Just a pairing thrown together by the randomness of the train...
Like his styling...
About to...
Tone in tone...
Strong profile...
Checking me out...
Me happy! Him? Not too sure... Red shirt really works though!
Where am I going?
The true spirit of 125 Street! ;)