I bet a lot of New Yorkers know this sign... Not to be ignored! I once ruined a perfectly fine jacket because I didn't see the sign as it was taped to the reverse side of the column I had chosen to rest against... :P

One of the entrances to that station. Honestly I had never fully realized how ugly it is... But I guess it is in a "so ugly it's interesting" kind of way...

Underground again.

A bump in the wall? No problem, let's just tile around it! ;)

I love when people interact with ads and posters...

Signal detail...

I don't know, but I guess I'm deeply fascinated by the weird shapes walls can have... And how neatly tiled up it can be...

On my way to another old home station... Changing trains at Broadway - Lafayette station...

A few days before I had managed to take a great iPhone image of this station... So I wanted to go back there trying to replicate or improve on that to document the changes being made... And if the shape of renovations done to many outdoor stations in Brooklyn are any indication of what is to come I really have to conserve what was here...

It feels that outdoor stations seem to be harder to keep in shape due to the more direct weather influence...

Love the mirrors! I didn't get the shot of that impressive 3 escalator bank though... All of them were working... I guess I have to recheck as I need the middle one out of order for my intended shot to work... That shouldn't take too long in my experience though... Escalators in the city don't seem to be too sturdy for some reason...

Real signs of construction.

Love, love this!

What's not to like: Rusted steel and a cloudy sky!
Well, I remember the roof was super leaky...

Playing with shapes...

Still Smith - 9 St...

I hardly ever exited at this station... It's under construction now as well, but it must have been beautiful when it was originally built... This metal arc is great... Unfortunately there was no way to show the complete shape...

Second part of arc...

Underpass at 4 Ave station (F & G line): Looks almost like a hospital to me...

Not too fond of the brick color, but love the curved beam!

Arriving at 7 Ave station.

Construction here as well... I saw several people hesitate before entering this quite narrow hallway... Understandably so!

Symmetry is to be found in the strangest places!

Here as well! Apparently it was just the end of the school day... Had to wait quite a while to get this one...

End of trip... Well not really, but end of the photo taking part of the trip! ;)