In the end I was allowed to continue although eyed with suspicion, but they must have concluded that I was harmless after all...

I think this should be the uptown side of 135 St. station on the 2 & 3 lines.

Detail in same station. Isn't it strange how much work was put into the decoration?
How much attention to detail? Beautiful, isn't it?

More details of 135 St. station.

Almost pompous looking station decal at same station.

Curved walls have something attractive to me. I see the benefit as in accident avoidance, but they either seem quaint or modernistic to me... A little like stores with warped display windows... Love those too...

As above. Both are exit only. I guess I find uncommonness in common things intriguing...
I guess exit only makes sense in this case as it's on the uptown side of 145 St on the 3 line...
Only one more station to go in that direction...

149 St. - Grand Concourse in the Bronx.

Same as above.

As above. The spot that I was approached by 2 police officers separately just within minutes...

161 St - Yankee Statium: Have to look more closely at that station... So far one of my least favorite ones... This part like though!

This is more to my liking, back in Harlem! I guess I'm old style after all!

145 St decal. Color is kind of funky... Love the style though!

Metrocard vending machines say it all: Cop activity! ;) (Not at this station though!)

Wall at odd angle! I guess I'm easily intrigued... Love the old style clock as well!

Quite a high number of columns. But tiled. I like!

This shows a lot of what I like in this series: A weird sense of abandonment in a public but secluded space...

This shot took me a while to get... Was lucky that there was an out of service train waiting in station... Not so lucky for the people on the train behind this one though!