A few days ago I received two copies of this beautiful German magazine Dogs.
I might be biased though... They had found the cover image (taken by yours truly) via the stock site trunk archive. I am super happy about the cover: The printing looks great and the magazine gives lots of play to photos in general.
About the image: It was taken a while ago... In photo school I had been taught that portraiture is about the image of a human. After years I wanted to see what else could be done inside or outside those parameters... I mean for me it was always more about trying to capture the characteristics of who I encountered than just reproducing the outward shapes of what was presented. I was trying to transport my emotions as well. After I felt that this was possible in the normal settings, I tried to see where else I could take this... Dogs to me show a lot emotion and characteristics on the faces. So they were my first targets...
I like this image because it touches me. Yes, it might be just my imagination or interpretation, but to me there is a lot of stuff going on there!